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Rocky Mountain Regional ICPC Host Site

University of Alberta


Main Address

16 St & 85 Ave
Edmonton, AB T6G 2R3

Contest Location

The contest will be held in the Computing Science Centre (CSC) on the first floor. The location of CSC on the campus map is here.


Detailed maps of parking lots are available at here. Parking will cost $5.50 per day after 5:30pm on Friday or all day on the Weekend. The Stadium Parkade is very close to CSC.


All contest activities apart from the Saturday banquet will take place on the first floor of CSC, see above for a link to the location and parking.

Friday, Nov 3

Time   Activity
5:30-6:45 PM   Check in and dinner
6:45-7:00 PM   Welcome and brief orientation
7:00-9:00 PM   Official practice time

Saturday, Nov 4

Time   Activity
9:00-10:30   Late Registration, Muffins and Coffee (optional)
10:30-10:45   Meeting for all contestants
11:00-4:00   COMPETITION
12:00-1:00   Lunch arrives
1:00-1:30   Coaches meeting
4:15-5:00   Post-contest presentation
5:30-7:30   Banquet - Aurora Room in Lister Conference Centre


The banquet will held on campus at the U of A. The exact location is to be determined (likely in Lister Conference Centre).


The official practice time will be on Friday after dinner. Practice will be held at Contest Location. The regional judges will operate their servers and contestants will be given a few practice problems that parallel the format of the actual problems on Saturday. All teams are strongly encouraged to attend. This gives you a chance to be familiar with the contest, systems, tools and debugging techniques prior to the contest.

There will be NO official practice time on Saturday before the contest. Teams should wear contest shirts during the competition if they get one.


Each team will be provided a workstation with a Linux configuration akin to the world-finals environment. Read the description at that site for language versions, editors/IDEs, compilation/running instructions, and references that will be available locally on the image.

We will again be using the Kattis online judge for the contest. The official programming languages supported for the contest are: C, C++, Java, Kotlin and Python 3.


Guests staying Friday night can book at one of the many hotels in town. There is not a specific hotel that we recommend, nor are there rooms blocked or a special rate for the contest.


You may bring your own food/beverages/snacks if you wish, but we will be providing dinner on Friday as well as breakfast/lunch/dinner on Saturday. Please note there is no food allowed in the computer labs/working area. Any beverages in the lab must be in an enclosed container so it does not spill if you tip it.

If you have special dietary needs, please let us know as soon as possible by emailing Zachary Friggstad directly. We will do our best to meet these requests and will let you know what to expect.